If you are only going to use the image translator, enlarge the image if you have to select and translate certain words. It translates images into a lot of languages, works very fast, looks great, it is one of the best image translation site and it doesn't just stop at image translations, you can use it to translate websites and certainly it can translate texts too. Yandex translation site definitely should be on our list. Russian Yandex To translate images and files Speaking of applications, you can read our previous article about The best translation apps for Android phones and iPhone. The only problem with Google Translate is that you need to use the app unlike the other services mentioned below. Comprehensive support for almost all languages.Translate photos, websites, documents, and even your email, one-to-one conversations, handwriting, documents.As for the output side, you can have the translation read back to you in the translated language, which is not only useful if you are trying to learn the language, but it is also very helpful to be with someone who can't read the language well, but can understand it when speaking. Other benefits centered also is that you can type text, speak, or use the on-screen keyboard. This is great if you don't know the original language.

One of the best features of Google Translate is its ability to take any text on any image and pinpoint its exact language, then instantly put it into a language you can understand.